Get ‘Credit’ For The Work You Do
A carrier’s underwriting assessment involves the review of the overall medical history and the application of crediting tools to improve upon and provide the best underwriting class possible.
Here is a case study that demonstrates how credits can make a difference in the sale, by reducing the premiums:
- 54-year-old female
- Applying for $1 million of term life
- Has type 2 diabetes; treated with Metformin
- Build is 5’3”; 220 lbs.
Initial work up Table 4.
But with credits for:
- Lifetime non-smoker
- Income of $100,000
- Preferred or better driving record
- Negative cardiac testing
- Controlled blood pressure
Final offer is Table 2!
Do what’s best for your clients with health history. Contact our Underwriting Department for assistance with your impaired risk cases.