Cross Selling Long-Term Care Insurance

There are numerous people you know that need Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance, many of them include your current clients. Perhaps you have already sold them a Life Insurance Policy, yet how do you get them interested in LTC?
Cross Selling can be difficult, yet when you present your client with information about LTC, they should understand the benefit of protecting themselves when they may need it.
Begin by talking about the consequences of living a long life will have on their family – and offer to put together a plan to protect them from the biggest risk they face after retirement – one that must be protected with Long-Term Care Insurance.
Once the conversation is going, a few good questions to ask include:
- What percentage of your retirement assets have you set aside to pay for Long-Term Care services?
- Are you concerned about the impact a chronic illness would have on your retirement savings?
- If it were necessary to increase your spending by $3,000 or $4,000 a month to pay for LTC services, would that concern you?
To learn more about incorporating Long-Term Care into your product portfolio, or if you need more prospecting tips, contact your LTC Specialists today!