How To Identify The Marks Of Potential LTCi Clients

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Consumers today have more choices than ever before when it comes to funding traditional long-term care (LTC) services.

While other funding vehicles may be good options for some people, a traditional LTCi policy continues to be the best option for many of your clients.

Many current LTCi policy holders share these similarities:
  • Females, age 50 to 65
  • Household income of $50,000 to $250,000
  • Married, with adult children
  • Working in a metropolitan area with a population of at least 250,000
  • A homeowner with 11 or more years in the current residence
  • A “planner” who is interested in financial issues; owns life insurance and other conservative investment products
  • Family oriented
  • Exposed to LTC issues; knows someone (a family member or friend) who has needed LTC services
  • Research oriented; an online use; self-educated about LTCi
Look through your book of business – do any your clients fit the profile?
If so, contact your LTCi Sales Rep – we’ll help you design a plan that is both affordable and the best solution for each of your clients’ needs.