NEW! Rate Certainty Annuity 💸 Thursday, January 9

The Simple Solution to Grow and Protect Funds

Thursday, January 9 – 11.00 AM to 11.30 AM PST


Features a single index that is a managed version of the S&P 500® which is a widely renown measure of large-cap U.S. equities.

Upside Potential

Four simple crediting strategies provide the opportunity for potential interest growth with no chance of loss (1).

Certainty with Guarantees

All index rates are guaranteed at issue which alleviates the worry of a renewal rate throughout the length of the guarantee period.

Questions?  Contact the CPS Annuities Team at (949) 863-0700 Option 2. 

1) Strategies that credit interest related to the performance of the S&P 500 Dynamic Intraday TCA Index are dependent on index performance. Each interest crediting strategy has different potential for interest earnings under different scenarios. There is not one particular interest crediting strategy that will deliver the most interest under all economic conditions. At any given contract anniversary some of the strategies may not be available due to economic conditions. At the end of the Segment Term, the Segment Earnings are calculated.