The New Insurance Policy – Do Your Clients Have It?

Today’s life insurance products are very different from past product offerings. We need to educate and share details of how today’s options can help solve the real life problems modern families face.
Are we asking the proper questions? Are we creating enough of a sense of urgency to move clients to take action?

50% of American households acknowledge they don’t have enough life insurance – LIMRA

How do we turn a non-buyer of insurance products into a client who sees value in the products we offer?
It has become increasingly difficult for a client to identify the proper products, let alone the correct amounts of insurance coverage they should own. In most cases, the consumer is intimidated with the process of buying insurance, or at least that is what past research indicates.
We need to make the process appealing and as ‘client-centric’ as possible. If they are buying insurance, let’s do what it takes to make sure they buy it from you.

21% of consumers had no idea what type of coverage they had bought – LIMRA Over 60% of life insurance shoppers are proactive; most often they want to either review coverage or are impacted by a specific life experience which triggered the need in their mind – LIMRA

Many families are looking to protect assets, accumulate cash savings for retirement and prepare for the possibility that they may require professional care at older ages. We offer a product which can address all of these concerns – a single product that can meet all of these needs in one transaction!
How do we find clients?
  • Do you know someone who needs retirement planning?
  • Do you know someone who has taken care of a loved one?
  • Do you know someone who wants to leave a legacy behind?
Do you have anyone who fits one or more of the three descriptions above?
We want to help you deliver for your clients. Access to accumulated cash value; money for long-term care services and/or tax favored money for heirs – let’s take a close look at how insurance can secure your clients’ financial futures. Contact your Life Sales Rep today.