Underwriting Strengths Help Shape Great Offers

This A+ carrier will help you shape up for spring and beyond. With underwriting strengths in many aspects, think of this carrier as your personal trainer!
  • Occasional cigar users (two per month or less) can qualify for Preferred Plus, Preferred & Standard Plus non-tobacco rates if there is a negative urinalysis test
  • Clients who occasionally use marijuana may qualify for Preferred or Standard Plus non-tobacco rates
Here are some examples for family history underwriting strengths:
  • Family history qualifications do not apply if the proposed insured is 60 or older for Preferred Plus, Preferred & Standard Plus classes
  • Family history qualifications apply only to deaths rather than disease
  • Family history qualifications do not apply to gender-specific cancers for opposite sex persons
  • Family history of deaths due to diabetes can qualify for Preferred Plus, Preferred and Standard Plus classes
Underwriting strengths for common health impairments and non-medical risks:
  • Mild Asthma clients may be eligible for Preferred
  • Mild Sleep Apnea may be eligible for Preferred with verified C-PAP usage
  • Treatment for cholesterol or hypertension does not exclude a proposed insured from any Preferred classes
  • Maximum cholesterol levels for Preferred classes is 300 with favorable ratios; 5.0 or less for Preferred Plus, 6.0 or less for Preferred, 7.0 or less for Standard Plus
  • Commercial pilots for regularly scheduled passenger airlines can qualify for all preferred classes
  • Certain private pilots with IFR/ATP rating, flying between 50-250 hours annually and 1000 or more total hours of piloting experience may qualify for Preferred and Standard Plus classes
  • Preferred classes may be available for occasional scuba diving if proposed insured is certified and dives less than 100 feet
Call our Life Underwriting Department today – we can help you shape great offers and get more business on the books!