8 Ways To Ease Into The Talk

Some of America’s most beloved and recognizable faces — Maria Shriver, Rob Lowe, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Zach Quinto, Angela Bassett and Jim Nantz — encourage having ‘the talk’ now versus later.
While the conversation is not exactly an easy one to have, a discussion of Long-Term Care planning with loved ones is something that should not be put off.
Don’t just have the talk about long-term care planning because of star power. Do it because 90% of American adults don’t currently have long-term care insurance. Do it because 70% of Americans will need some form of long-term care in their lifetime.
8 ways to get the conversation started:
- Be Open – Tell them that you’d like to talk about these issues and ask if they would mind talking about them – everyone thinks about these things and worries about what the future holds.
- Be Reflective – When you’re together, ask them about their past, their childhood, and their parents. Learn about them. Then move on to the future. What do they want most? How do they perceive the future? What worries them?
- Discuss Someone Else’s Situation – Chances are that you, your spouse or partner or your parents know someone who is already dealing with some aspect of aging or long-term care. Talking about what’s good or bad about their situation can be a starting point.
- Mention an Article or Website – Give them a clipping, or link to information about planning ahead, family conversations, long-term care costs, and move forward from there.
- Ask for Advice – This is a great way to get the discussion rolling. Tell them that you’re starting a retirement account or preparing a will and ask for advice. Then ask how they planned ahead and if they feel fully prepared.
- Grab an Opening – If, for example, your mother is talking about a family member who’s in a nursing home, and says, “I don’t see how she can stand it,” ask her what she means. What would your mother want in the same circumstance? If you miss the chance, bring it up another time soon – “Hey Mom, remember when you said you couldn’t stand to live in a nursing home…”
- Write – If you find the whole conversation thing too daunting – write a letter or e-mail outlining your concerns and what you would like to discuss. This technique can be particularly helpful if you live far away, or otherwise have only a bit of time on the weekend to attempt this type of conversation. By writing, you pave the way and get them to start thinking about it before you get together.
- Get Help – Maybe you have a sibling who is more at ease talking with your parents. Maybe your parents are more comfortable talking to someone else in the family about finances or health. Don’t be offended. As long as long-term care planning gets done, all will be good.
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