Adventures In Underwriting

Mountain climbing, scuba diving, auto racing, aviation… Adventure enthusiasts may find themselves faced with an extra rating and increased premiums if they participate in any of these types of higher risk activities.
But a recent Upgrade Program may help to remove an extra rating of up to $2.50 per $1000 of coverage for certain avocation scenarios. This program is available for both permanent and term plans.
For example:
  • 37 year old male, non-smoker
  • Seeking $1 million of Term coverage
  • Healthy with normal build, blood pressure and cholesterol
  • No adverse family history
  • 12 years of experience in trail, rock and mountain climbing – participates only in groups, never alone
  • 4-5 climbs annually in the Pacific Northwest
  • Highest elevation 13,000 ft
  • YDS (Yosemite Decimal System) class 5.0 to 5.4
Initial underwriting assessment included a $2.00 per $1000 permanent flat extra rating.
Under the program, this case was eligible for an upgrade to Standard NT without a flat extra rating.
Contact the Underwriting Team for help in finding the best possible underwriting outcomes on your avocation cases.