How To Convert More Life Insurance Applications Into Paid Production
After all the work, how many of your applications actually end up being placed in-force?
After all the work, how many of your applications actually end up being placed in-force?
65% of long-term care is provided in the home – either in the home of the person receiving care or at a family member’s home.
The client does not need to convert their entire term policy at once and can make use of multiple partial conversions to help keep premium costs low while providing added flexibility.
Often times, you have to do a little detective work to ensure your cases are processed through Underwriting quickly.
While most would consider their greatest asset to be a house or a car, in reality a human’s most valuable asset is their ability to earn an income.
By now all high-net-worth clients should be aware that their biggest death-tax savings opportunity – the lifetime exemption – is going to be cut in half on January 1, 2026. But taking advantage of the high exemption by gifting property now is only the beginning of how much death taxes can be reduced.
A good rule of thumb: your clients who will benefit are single taxpayers worth over $10,000,000 and married taxpayers worth more than $20,000,000.
Consider these very brief descriptions of accepted planning concepts that address the common questions HNW clients will ask, and that can be layered on top of the current use of the high exemptions. They can result in a much smaller tax bill as well as allowing for ongoing property management and use even after gifting takes place.
A single taxpayer who uses the full higher exemption by gifting from an estate growing at 5%, might reduce the tax due in 20 years by over $6,000,000. A married couple using both could save over $12,000,000.
Then use at least one full Again, assuming 5% growth, this could save over $6,000,000 in 20 years.
Transfer of assets can be treated as a Family Loan (usually to an irrevocable trust). If the exemptions are not reduced the loan can be called, and the property returned. If exemptions are lowered then the loan can be forgiven just prior to 1/1/2026 and the property kept in the trust, treated as a gift.
Assets to be transferred can be organized under a Family Limited Liability Company (FLLC) with a small-percentage voting interest and a large non-voting interest. The non-voting interest, representing the bulk of the FLLC value, can be transferred while the taxpayer retains all voting interest.
Yes, property can be transferred to a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLAT), an irrevocable trust in which the other spouse is a beneficiary for life. The beneficiary spouse can receive the income from the trust each year, as well as distributions for his or her health, education, maintenance, and support. This gives the gifting spouse vicarious access (through the beneficiary spouse) to the transferred assets, if needed. When the beneficiary spouse dies, nothing in the trust is included in his or her estate.
Yes, but special attention must be given to the drafting of the trusts by the legal and tax advisors involved, because certain restrictions apply, so as not to run afoul with the IRS.
If you think implementation of any or all of these concepts might help one of your HNW clients, I am available to talk more fully with you, and your client, and their advisors. Let me know at 706-614-3796 or
Recently, statistics have been released to help better identify the types of companies that typically inquire about business evaluations.
Don’t necessarily count on the brief information requested on the app to paint the full picture for an underwriter.