Disability Buy-Sell Planning with a New Twist

We’ve seen how some traditional funding ideas for Buy-Sell Agreements have not met a client’s need as effectively as they should. Below is a unique way to look at Disability Buy-Sell Funding that may put your client in the best possible position.
Case Design:
- 40-year-old Attorney, 25% Partner in a law firm worth $4 million
- Current Annual Income $200,000
‘Traditional’ Funding Buy/Sell Agreement:
- $1 million Term Life Insurance Policy in the event of premature death
- $1 million Disability Buyout (DBO) Policy with 365-day Elimination Period (EP) & Lump Sum Benefit = $3,780 Annual Premium
‘Unique’ Funding Buy/Sell Agreement:
- $1 million Disability Buyout (DBO) policy with a 730-day EP & Lump Sum Benefit = $2,880 Annual Premium
- $900 annual Savings from ‘Traditional’
- $11,230 Monthly Benefit Individual DI policy with 90-day EP and 2-year benefit
- $752 Annual Premium
- $148 Total Annual Savings from ‘Traditional’
If the partner gets sick or hurt and cannot work, the Individual Disability Insurance (DI) policy will pay 67.3% of his income (tax free) for up to 2 years.
If the partner recovers from his illness or injury before the 2-year benefit runs out, he will not need to sell his shares of the practice, and he can return to work. Once he gets back to work full-time for 6 months, his Individual DI policy with 2-year benefit is reset and has a full 2-year benefit again.
The new plan design gives the partner more time to recover from the illness or injury – without having to worry about the company Buy-Sell Agreement forcing the firm to buy him out when he has recovery in sight.
If he does not recover after 2 years, the Individual DI policy benefit stops and the DBO policy will pay the partnership $1 million, tax-free, to help buy out his share of the business at current market value.
Contact your DI Specialist for more information about this strategy.