Envision The Future


Do your clients have clear vision of their future?  While many may have a vague sense of what they want, things to accomplish, or relationships they hope to develop, very few people can actually articulate what they think their life will look like five or more years down the road. 

As an advisor, it’s important to not only help your clients plan for the future they desire, but to also help protect it.  And the best place to start is by protecting their income.

Income, when viewed over an entire career, is likely to be your clients’ single biggest asset.  It is the source of funding today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter.  Income will pay for a lifetime of purchases, both large and small; it will fund the monthly cost of your mortgage, your savings, and eventually your retirement.

What if your client were to become disabled? 

A 40-year old Attorney with an annual income of $160,000 who experiences a permanent disability may lose up to $6,513,541 in potential earnings by age 67 with a meager 3% increase each year. 

Without a plan in place to protect that potential, your client is exposed to an enormous amount of risk. (http://www.whatsmyeiq.org)

How can you get the conversation started?

Start by asking your clients what would happen if they got sick or hurt and suddenly didn’t have the ability to earn their income:

  • How long could they last before their lifestyle would be disrupted?
  • If they have a family, how would they be affected?
  • Would they need to dip into personal savings or other assets?
  • What would be sacrificed to keep their life intact while they recover?

Your client’s income fuels the engine that drives them into the future.  Without it, their ability to fund the future they envision and that you helped plan is in jeopardy.  Now is the time to talk to your clients about income protection. With so much at stake, have the conversation with your clients… there is a lot depending on it and there are affordable plans available to protect such a valuable asset.

Contact your Disability Insurance Specialist for support and to discuss the availability of plans to meet your client’s needs.