Home Is Where The Heart (And Sale) Is

When you approach clients about Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCi), be sure to ask where and how they would like to receive care should the need arise some day. Chances are, they’ll want to stay at home.

65% of long-term care is provided in the home – either in the home of the person receiving care or at a family member’s home.

Many people visualize long-term care as uprooting to a nursing facility – but plans allow for 100% of the benefits to be paid at home, allowing clients to stay with loved ones in an environment they’re used to.
Highlight the home care benefits that are automatically included in the coverage.
Doing so is a smart and effective way to show you are listening and are able to provide solutions that fit their needs.
If your clients are like most people, they find it hard to imagine moving out of the comfort of their own house for help with daily living activities like bathing, getting dressed, and eating. By emphasizing these at-home benefits, you’ll appeal to your clients’ desire to maintain their independence and quality of life, while increasing your potential for a successful sale.
We’re here to help you design a plan that is both affordable and the best solution for your clients’ needs – contact your LTCi Sales Reps for guidance.