How Our Underwriting Team Can Help You Make A Difference To Your Clients

One of the most important aspects to placing more business is a knowledgeable underwriting team to be your advocate for those challenging cases. Our Life Underwriting Team has a philosophy we call “never say never”.
We don’t give up on a case because it’s difficult. We take on the challenge and look outside the box for solutions.
This innovation sets us apart from the rest and helps to get more cases placed for your clients.
Here’s a recent example:
We were presented with case on a 53 year old seeking $2 million of IUL coverage. Initial tentative assessment of the case was a Table 6 due to a long history of Chronic Kidney Disease with abnormal kidney function testing and impaired fasting glucose, subject to review of additional records. The client then submitted a formal application at the Table 6 rating.
Upon review of the additional required medical records, the case was later declined due to elevated A1c (average blood sugar) of 6.5% found in the additional records.
The lab report was of somewhat poor quality and our Underwriting team questioned the true A1c reading. We reached back out to the underwriter to discuss and they agreed to review a clearer page of the report to further confirm the A1c.
We obtained a clearer copy showing the A1c reading was actually 5.8%. As a result, the case was approved at the initial Table 6 rate class, as applied!
If we had not gone back to the carrier for reconsideration, the case would have remained a decline on the books. Another way we made a difference to our broker and the client.
Let our Underwriting Team help you with your challenging cases and generate more sales this year. We look forward to hearing from you.