Take Heart! Not All Cholesterol Is Bad

Did you know:
The liver produces all the cholesterol our body needs, however, dietary cholesterol (taken in through the foods we eat), causes the liver to send even more cholesterol into the bloodstream.
High cholesterol can cause fatty build up in the arteries which increases our risk of heart disease and stroke.
High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is considered “good” cholesterol. HDL helps to remove bad cholesterol known as low-density lipoprotein, or LDL. Triglyceride is another form of cholesterol and the most common type of fat in the body.
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio is calculated by dividing total cholesterol by HDL. The higher the HDL, the lower the ratio. This is a good thing!
In the past, carriers looked stringently upon all cholesterol levels when underwriting a case. These days, there are some carriers who can overlook total cholesterol levels if between 150-300.

Preferred classes are available with favorable, low cholesterol/HDL ratios, even with total cholesterol levels nearing 300!

Consider these examples:
  • Male client, age 45, NS
  • Seeking $2 mil of Term, Cholesterol on exam was 298 with a Chol/HDL ratio of 5.0
  • Does not take any medication
Underwriting outcome: PREFERRED BEST!
  • Female client, age 60, NS
  • Seeking $1 mil of UL, Cholesterol on exam was 275 with a Chol/HDL ratio of 6.0
  • Takes a prescribed cholesterol medication
Underwriting outcome: PREFERRED!
  • Male client, age 52, NS
  • Seeking $500k of Term, Cholesterol on exam was 260 with a Chol/HDL ratio of 7.0
  • Takes a prescribed cholesterol medication
Underwriting outcome: NON SMOKER PLUS!
Our Life Underwriting Department has a heart for finding the best possible outcomes on your cholesterol cases. Give us a call!